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Meniscal Tear

Meniscal tears are one of the most common types of knee injuries.The meniscus is commonly described as cartilage and is the shock absorber of the knee sitting on the tibia and below the femur. It is relatively easily torn by heavy squatting and twisting movements. There is a medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus making up menisci of the knee. Tears are described as longitudinal tears, parrot beak, bucket handle, transverse, radial, flap, and mixed or complex tears.

What are the symptoms of a meniscal tear?

  • Pain especially when twisting or rotating the knee
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Catching
  • Locking
  • A popping sensation
  • Altered range of motion
  • Difficulty straightening the knee fully
  • MRI scans can verify meniscal pathology which is best treated by surgical repair.

What is the treatment for meniscal tear?

  • Initially, rest your knee, and use crutches to avoid any weight bearing on the joint. Avoid any activities that worsen your knee pain.
  • Ice your knee every three to four hours for 30 minutes.
  • Compress or wrap the knee in an elastic bandage to reduce inflammation.
  • Elevate your knee to reduce swelling

Surgical treatment is usually an day surgery, using minimally invasive techniques.